Start Your Blogging Journey: A Beginner's Guide to Building a Blog

Hii, friend You probably have heard about working from home and know that you may use a website or blog to make money. Have you ever thought from where does Google get the results that you search on? Does Google write it itself? Then the answer to this is "no." Because Google is a website that is made through coding, and the results are of different websites and blogs. First of all, let me tell you: What is the difference between a blog and a website? What is a website? As soon as you hear the name of a website, you think of a company that does only one thing. I will explain by giving an example: Instagram is a company, and it is also the world's biggest social networking website. Through this, you can chat with your friends and family online and share videos and photos. Similarly, “Google” is also a website that shows the results of different websites and blogs. 

What is a blog? 

A blog is a little similar to a website, like a company that manufactures some product. And for that, we made a website. But in order to promote this product in front of the world, you will have to give a lot of information about that product. Which we cannot write on the website; for this you will have to create a blog. So you can share the details of that product through your blog. 

We have blogs in both free and paid versions; you can choose any of them. I think you must have understood the difference between a blog and a website. 

There are 2 best platforms to create a blog. 

1) Blogger 

2) WordPress 

Blogger is an absolutely 100% free Google service, and WordPress is available in both free and premium (paid) versions. But now we will be able to create a website blog on Blogger itself. You might think that creating a website blog would be a little difficult, and it is really difficult when you learn the coding yourself, but Google is providing us this service that we can create our own blog without learning coding, and that too in just the next 5 minutes. But many people might have a question: Why should one create a blog? There are many reasons for creating a blog; I will tell you some of them.

 1) You want to create a name for yourself. 

2) You want to show your talent (knowledge) to the world. 

3) You want to earn money by using the internet online. 

4) You want to start your own business. 

By creating a blog, you can share your knowledge with the whole world. And anyone can read that knowledge, just like you are reading this post of ours right now. In this way, you can also share your knowledge by creating your free blog. 

What Do You Need to Create a Blog

1. Google Account

2. Device: You can use a computer, laptop, or mobile phone.

You can also create a free blog using your mobile device. Google offers various services for creating websites, but I'll focus on how to create a blog on Blogger. It's easy to use, completely free, and you'll pick it up in no time!

Create a Blogger Account

To get started, you'll need to set up a Blogger account. Simply follow the Step to sign in with your Google account, and then you'll be ready to start blogging!

Step 1: First of all, go to

Here you login with your email ID and password; if you are already logged in, then you will not need to login again. 

Step 2: After logging in, a new page will open in front of you, on the left side of which you will see the option of “new blog." Click on it. 

Step 3: Now a pop-up menu will open in front of you, which will be like the picture given below; you write like that.

1) Title: The title will be the title of your blog, like my blog is “”. Write the title of your blog here. 

2) Address: Here will be the address of your blog, i.e., the URL of your blog. This address should match the title of your blog. Lakhs of people have created blogs on Blogspot, so if you do not get the URL of your choice, you can use any number or word. 

Note: Here this blog address is unavailable, which means that a blog has already been created on this address, so you can choose any other address. 

3) Template: A template means what kind of design (look) or theme you want for your blog. Here you will see many templates; you can select any one template. You can select any template right now because we can change that template later. 

4) Once you have completed these settings, you can go ahead and click on “Create Blog” to finalize the setup.

 Step 4: Create Your Blog and Start Posting

Once you click on "Create Blog," your blog is ready! To write your first post, simply click on "New Post." 

You can customize your blog by changing its URL, template, and title:

* Change Blog Title and URL:

   - Go to Settings

   - Click on Basic

   - Here, you'll find options to change both the Title and the URL of your blog.

To monetize your blog and earn money, you'll need to add advertisements; for more information, you can read our post on how to apply for Google AdSense.

Now you're ready to create your blog for free! I hope you found this information helpful. 

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